Wednesday, August 10, 2005

New job, day three...

So far so good. I like my new job, thank God. The most important thing to me is that I like the people that I work with. So far, I really dig the people that I work with. Thank you God, again.

I don't know if I am just trying to see the silver lining to this adventure, or if it is really a good thing. I am usually a pessimist at worst and a realist at best, but I seem to see only good things so far. I almost feel like this is where I want to stay until I am old enough to move to the tropics. I wonder if I will ever move to the tropics. I always thought I was going to move someplace warm, and the closest I have gotten so far is Kansas City. It gets hot in the summer around here, but there are still four seasons and there is plenty of snow and ice in the winter.

There is one other option that still sounds like a really adventure for us to possibly try in a few years. My sister is going to create her own landscaping business in the New England area. I think it would be wicked cool if we moved out there and worked with her as gardeners. My wife and I are both gardeners and we love to play in the dirt. I occasionally try to imagine the kinds of things that we could do for some wealthy New England people who have deep pockets and can afford to let our collective imaginations go nuts in their huge yards...

A little more about me and my family... We are quickly adjusting to life in Kansas. We have found several Target stores and two of them are even SUPER TARGETS!! We are big fans of Target stores. I am thinking of getting a red bullseye tattooed on my bum.


scottie said...

Melisa and I love Target. I don't care how good or bad the day is, Melisa cheers up when I ask her if she wants to go to Target.

I'd hold off getting that Tatoo, though.

scottie said...

Oh, almost forgot....glad the coworkers are cool.

Mrs. Sara said...

Your butt would be the proper place for it, ya corporate stooge. :) LOL.

Glad things are going well. Can I garden with you guys? I mean, I can't keep a plant alive, but I figure that's not my problem... I'll just plant them and then leave!

scottie said...

Fish, you do have an obsession with dirt. I remember how you turned a spare bedroom into a semi-greenhouse when you lived with your parents during college.

scottie said...

Didn't your neighbors think you were growin' weeeed in there?

You put y'ur weeeeed in there.

scottie said...

Is it just a coincidence that you picked "162"?


scottie said...

337 Northwest Indiana!!! CQ DX!!!

fish said...

Miss Sara, you are more than welcome to join us as a fellow gardener. The more the merrier, I say. I figure you are right, you won't have to worry about the plants once they are in the ground. The people that can afford gardeners will also probably have automatic watering systems, so just about everything should be fine.

Scottie, that is freakin' hilarious that you remembered 162!!! I totally forgot about that. The real reason that I used 162 is because my grandfather used to always answer "dollar sixty-two" whenever you asked him how much something cost. It is a number that he always used, so I figured it was one that I could remember easily. "fish" was already taken as a blog name, so I had to add something to the name, and that was the first thing that came to mind. I remember "337", but I forgot that I used to use "162".

fish said...

It's kind of amusing. I am a total corporate stooge. Unfortunately, I am a member of the "consumption era." I support the locals when I can, and I legitimately try, but I am a big fan of Target, Home Depot, and the mall stores.

I think the neighbors did ask me what I was growing up there since they could plainly see the grow-lights in front of the upstairs window. I had a lot of tropical plants and the January eastern-exposure from the bedroom window just wasn't cutting it. All my palms were looking sad until I put in the 4 foot flourescent lights in my bedroom. It really made napping difficult, but my room smelled really nice when the jasmine plants went into full bloom every month or so.