Monday, August 29, 2005

New house day!!

I get to buy my new house tomorrow. Nothing like spending all my money to get me all exctied!!

They say that I am "weird" at work, because I eat "weird stuff". I bring in fresh blueberries, and no one wants any, or they try them and say they're weird. They said that the fresh berries taste nothing like the blueberries in blueberry muffins. I bring in organic breakfast cereal for a snack and no one will try it. I bring in dried organic fruit and no one wants to try that either. This is weird. I equate organic stuff with quality and good taste, the people that I work with equate it with weird stuff that hippies eat. My secretary asked me if I remembered to bring in my twigs and berries for breakfast today. For the record: I like my twigs and berries. :)


Mrs. Sara said...

Well, yeah, what man WOULDN'T love their twig and berries? ;)

scottie said...

Who knew twigs and berries could produce so much gas?