Monday, August 15, 2005

Week two, day one...

It's weird to have people asking me questions when I have only been on the job for a week. I feel like a doofus for constantly saying, "I don't know, but I'll go find out." I think I will really enjoy this job a lot more once I figure out what the heck I am doing.

James is starting to walk around a lot more these days. He is not quite ready for solo flight, but he can walk behind his little lawnmower-esque toy like a madman.

I edited my blogger profile today. I didn't know that it would show up on the front page of my blog and I signed off before I checked it out last night. I would not have included the moaning about "butt rock" if I had known that it was going to be foisted on everyone. My bad... I don't want this page to be all about complaining. I like to see more positives than negatives, so I will try to project that in my blog.

The weather has been beautiful the last few days, except for the occasional rain, and I am a happy cat. We went to the zoo on Saturday and got poured on, but it was still a blast. yesterday was Karen's birthday, so we went shopping and ate tons of birthday cake. Good times. :>)

James loves computers, he helps me type and steals my mouse all the time. I have had several posts completely deleted by him, for which I was thankful. I am a much too prolific writer lately, and he helped eliminate some extraneous unimportant stuff. James definintely makes everything a little more interesting lately.

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