Monday, August 08, 2005

First fishy post

Truthfully, I actually don't really want a blog, I just wanted the blogger account so that I can post to my pal scottie's blogger-based blog, Southern California is a Paradise - It is a well-written running commentary on life in the L.A. area by a guy who is not your average Californian, rather a midwesterner who has been transplanted to the west coast.

A little about myself. I am a fairly nice and very happily married geek who has a rather ordinary existence that usually keeps me happy. We recently decided that it would be a fun adventure to take a new job that was offered to me. The most interesting part of the deal was that we lived in Indiana, just outside Chicago, and the new job is in the Kansas City area. Sound like fun to you? Neither my wife nor I have ever moved far away from "home" in Indiana. We also have a one-year-old baby boy who is the most wonderful and good-looking kid that I have ever seen. (I will probably talk a lot more about him in the future) My parents and my wife's parents all live in the same area that we used to live in, just outside Chicago. The adventure began last week, when we packed up our prodigious pile of stuff and headed to Kansas for some fun and adventure in the middle of the country.

I can't make fun of the Kansas City area, as much as I would like to. It is nicer than where I came from. It is cleaner, more affluent, the people are much more friendly, and the shopping is fantastic. I think the people in this area are just fine being just a little behind the times. Heck, I am a lot behind the times. Who cares if the fashion is not as avant-garde as the coastlines. I think the best way to describe the area is to say that Kansas City fits the way your favorite pair of broken-in jeans fits. I am a geek, I like being comfortable, not flashy.

I also left the Chicago area with a little bit of skepticism about moving to Kansas. I thought Kansas was going to be a scary redneck stronghold, but I really haven't found half as many scary rednecks as there were in Indiana. Not what I expected at all. I have to say that I really like the area so far. I hope that doesn't change.

We (my wife and I) are having a hard time finding a house that we really like that is close to where I work. We both liked our old house in the Chicago area, and we wish it lived in Kansas. The houses in the Kansas City area are priced similarly to the Chicago/Indiana suburbia that we came from, as long as we look at houses far away from where I work. Nice... I was hoping for a very short commute, but that doesn't seem to be the way that it is going to turn out.

I am a little freaked out by living in an entirely new area of the country and not knowing anyone other than my immediate family that I brought with me. Perhaps I am not the first to experience this. (Tongue planted firmly in cheek.)

I also have an entirely new group of people to go to work with. They haven't even heard me burp yet, which is just totally strange. It took me several years to be able to burp at work when I was in Chicago, and now I have to start all over. Tough work ahead, I work with a lot of women who may be offended by my, um, "noises"...


Mrs. Sara said...

Nah, Fish, don't worry. Just let 'er rip. If you offend people, that just tells you they aren't the people you want as friends to begin with! :) LOL. I'd be laughing my ass off if you belched in my office. YOU GO!

fish said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence, i almost had the nerve to try it out today. I stopped just short of letting a healthy burp fly when I found out that one of my coworkers had been "spoken to" about being "too casual at work." I have to find out if that was because he was wearing a t-shirt of if he was stepping over some sort fo conversational boundary.

I may have to work into a good "burrrrrrrrpppppp" slowly if my coworkers are very conservative. :)