Monday, April 30, 2007

On the road again...

FIVE DAYS LEFT UNTIL RACE DAY!!!! -Only three days of work left this week.

I went running last night and I found that 6.5 miles now feels like a somewhat easy night. That is just plain weird. I am glad the "long run" training is over for a few weeks. I don't plan on doing anything over 14 miles for the next few weeks. I think my legs need a little break after the race coming up this weekend. Speaking of the race, I really want to get started. Actually, I really can't wait to see everyone in Indy again! I think the race is going to be a blast as well. I have heard great things about the Indianapolis Mini, that it is a whole lot of fun, that there are live bands and cheering fans all over the place. I still haven't decided if I am going to drink the free beer along the race course, or if I am going to wait until I am done running to have a beer, or perhaps I should say that when it is over, I may have some beersh...

I am hoping my somewhat embarassing, recurring "intestinal issues" do not occur during the race. For some reason, my intestines think it is time to "get to work" on some morning jogs. I don't really want to spend part of my race in a port-a-potty. One morning, while running with my friend Jason, we were forced to turn a planned 15 mile run into an 18 miler in order to get to a rest stop. The fastest way to get to a bathroom that day was to keep going a bit farther from home, and I knew I was not going to make it all the way back home without, shall I say, "major" problems.


Anonymous said...

Oh come on. I'm sure that Janice and Darrlad loved the company that Sunday morning!

Anonymous said...

Take some immodium. It stopped up someone we all know and love real well about 10 years ago!!!

This got put on the wrong blog day before so I added it again. No I am not losing my mind!!!

scottie said...

You've really got a way with words when discussing bodily functions. :p

fish said...

I think I get along with James so well at this age because we can relate very well. We both love to talk about bodily functions. :)

It was fun to stop at a friendly house, but the circumstances were a tad embarassing, to say the least.

I am still afraid of immodium, after the last time someone we know took it and had a very bad time with it. To go from needing to poo to being horribly constipated does not sound like a fun time.

scottie said...

Hey man, I am rooting for you. Have a great race!
