Monday, May 07, 2007

Post-race wrap-up

We (my brother-in-law Dave Clark, my uncle-in-law Bill Carpenter, and I) finished the race, upright, under our own power, and smiling. We all had a great time, and I would definitely recommend the Indianapolis Mini-Marathon race to anyone. It was a great course, the volunteers and the spectators were really fantastic, and the race was very well organized. I also must note that there are NO HILLS on the course to speak of.

Special thanks to Dave, Jamie, and Neil Clark for hosting the weekend's festivities, even though Neil had just gone through surgery two days before the race. (His last surgery! YAY!) You guys are awesome. I also want to say thanks to Bill for running along with me during the race. Long races are much easier when you have someone to talk to. Thanks again!

It was really great to see everyone (Kuglers, Clarks, Carpenters, and Kowalskis) last weekend, and we miss you guys a bunch. We hope to see all of you again soon. Our door is always open if anyone wants to visit us out here in Kansas City. I mean that in the figurative and literal sense. We often forget to lock the doors. :)


Anonymous said...

I'll keep that open door policy in mind if I want some Kashi waffles...

fish said...

The toaster oven is right next to the fridge, and they turn out the best if you set it to "top brown".

Karen and James would probably not even notice you were here.

scottie said...

*Of course* there were no hills. This is the middle of Indiana, the capital of flatness.

