Friday, September 02, 2005

New house of boxes...

We are in a crazy sea of boxes. I thought that I was no longer a pack rat, but this move has shown me that I still have way too much stuff. Karen and I are going to purge and purge like never before. The local goodwill store is going to be overrun with Mr. and Mrs. Fish's stuff. I can't stand all of the garbage that we have, it is driving me nuts. The garage and the basement here are not big enough to hold all of our crap and I am not going to put in a shed just to have more storage space.

Anyone need anything? I have lots of stuff if you need anything, just let me know! Shipping might even be free! What do you need?

Sleeping in one's own bed is a beautiful thing.

BTW, one of my nice new neighbors has a fast unsecured wireless connection, which I am using. Thank you new neighbor for allowing me free access to the internet!!

I found out that I can also get a 1.5 Mbps DSL for only 19.95 a month. That is nuts. That is cheap enough that I might even get my own connection instead of being a freeloader.


Mrs. Sara said...

Is your nice new neighbor allowing you access, or is he not aware that you're using it? ;)

scottie said...

Yeah, be careful. People are getting sued and arrested for using other people's connections.

fish said...

I am pretty sure that they had no idea that I was freeloading on their system. :) If they were aware of it, either they didn't mind, or they didn't know how to stop me. I used the connetionj almost every day for a month without any issues to speak of.

I had no idea that you could get in trouble for using someone else's connection. That is a little crazy, IMHO. Do you have to use it for illegal things in order to get into trouble?