Sunday, April 15, 2007

Vanity is horrible, apparently...

I really did it. I actually hurt myself while ogling myself. Here's how the whole sad story:

While I was rock climbing last week, I was told by a stranger that I had runner's legs, so I decided that I would try to see what that looked like. When I went downstairs with my running shorts on, getting ready to run my nightly training run on the treadmill, I stood on my tiptoes, on the edge of my treadmill. I was trying to see what it looked like when my calves were flexed, as though I was on the rock wall. Well, I saw what they looked like for just a second or two before the pain set in. I was trying really hard to flex my calves and ended up pulling/straining a calf muscle. That's right, I hurt myself checking me out. What a dork. I have been unable to run without major pain for about a week now. I have been taking time off to let it heal up before I do more damage, stewing the whole time in my own idiocy. I love to run, and I have benched myself by checking myself out. To say that I am sad is a real understatement. Giggles are appropriate, please feel free to call me a goon. :)

Here is the main reason that I am sad about my sore leg: I am going to run the Indianapolis half marathon on Cinco de Mayo. I have trained for this race by running hundreds of miles (500+) just to get ready for this race. If I miss the race because I was ogling myself I will be very upset. Not only did this interrupt my training, it potentially jeopardized my ability to finish. I know that I can run the distance if I am healthy, I have gone much farther as recently as two weeks ago. It is because this is the big race of the spring that have been planning for. This race I am going to run with friends and family. It's not just the normal go out and run weekend, this one means something to me. If I push it and try to get back to running too fast, or if I manage to somehow re-injure the leg, I may be walking a very long race in May. Fingers crossed!!


Vandaley said...

ha ha.

fish said...

I'm too sexy for my leg, so sexy it hurts...

scottie said...

Ohmigosh, that is hilarious!!

You should have just taken a picture. It woulda' lasted longer. :)

Karen a.k.a. lady fish said...

he has pictures of him climbing, that's the best part!