Saturday, April 21, 2007

I'm baaaaaack!

I can run again! Yippeee! Woo-hoo!! YAAYYY!!!

I ran today without leg pain! Not only did I run today, but I ran fairly hard! I am really hoping this keeps up so I can finish the half marathon in Indy without turning my race into a very long walk.

This is really a good thing, I was fairly depressed the past two weeks becuase I thought I had really done some damage that was going to take weeks to heal. I am elated to find out that I should be able to run the race in Indy!

We (I ran with two other people today) ran the official "Hospital Hill Half Marathon" race course today as a training run. By saying that we ran hard today, I am understating quite a bit. We finished the hilly 13.1 mile course in 1:58:53. We really ran way too hard for a long training run. This was pretty close to (or right at) my race pace for most of the race. I am happy to report that I found out today that I am capable of a two-hour half marathon. I really didn't think I could do it, but I proved myself wrong.


Anonymous said...

So glad that you can run again so you can run with your friends and relatives in Indy!! That would be a real bummer if you could not. Can't wait to see you guys!!

scottie said...

Dang! I had no idea you were on this running gig! Where have *I* been??


scottie said...

Dude, you need to enable RSS/news reader so I can plug you into my RSS Reader!!!

fish said...

Hi Mom - We can't wait to get to Indy to see everyone too! I think it is going to be a very fun weekend. We are definitely counting the days until we get there.

Hi Scottie - The running thing is kinda crazy, I have actually been running for about two years. I just got more serious about running longer distances recently. I have been training for the Indy race for a little over a year, and I am really looking forward to running it and then hopefully sigining up for a full marathon some time this fall or winter. (unless we get to adopt a baby, I'll miss a race for a baby any day) I'll work on the RSS feed, I am a little out of touch and have very little idea what it is or how to make it work. Glad to hear from you! We miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

John: Glad to hear that you are back in the saddle. And 1:58 for a training run is pretty impressive, especially on a hilly course. I ran a hilly half marathon last weekend (22nd) and I didn't finish in 2 hours (13 seconds over). Combination of not fully recovered from the race the weekend before, starting too fast, and it suddenly got hot.

So, on a flat course we are probably pretty close in time. And if it is hot, you might have the edge. I hate the heat.

fish said...

I think that the 13 mile training run in under 2 hours was probably at race pace for me. I don't think I could have gone much faster, really. Maybe a little, but not much.

I am still debating whether or not to run the actual hospital hill race in June, just to see if I can improve on my time from the training run. I will be shocked if I can duplicate that run. If it is a little warmer than last time, I will be in trouble.

I really don't like the heat either. I think we may be pretty close to each other at the finish of the Indy race.