Friday, April 27, 2007

Bicycles and sore muscles...

James rode his bicycle tonight for the first time! I didn't even need to push him. He just sat down and started pedaling. It was such a cool moment. I was so proud and excited, he and I were both grinning from ear to ear. What a great day. The second picture is to show James' "cheeeese" pose. When we ask him to say "cheese", this is the pose he does every time. He loves to perform for the camera.
I went rock climbing last night, for the first time in three weeks, and I am really sore. My arms, shoulders, and back are a mass of angry muscles right now. I think I am going to down a few Advil and hit the hay. I don't have any really good pictures of me on the rock wall, and I am not nearly as good-looking as James, so I will refrain from posting a picture of me.

1 comment:

scottie said...

Great photos! James is one cute kid! I turn 33 next week, and I'm taking Advil a little more often than when I was 23, that's for sure.
