Thursday, October 13, 2005

Spiders and mice.

There seems to be a lot of spiders around here. I had one cruise across my screen in my office today, another one left a web across the arm of my chair during lunchtime. I was about to give James a bath a few minutes ago, and I saw him trying to pet a little spider in the bathroom while I was running his bath. Has anyone else noticed a zillion spiders this year, or am I just in Kansas with a zillion spiders? Not to sound the alarm, but I think global warming is to blame, with El Nino a close second.

There are mice in our distribution center. They are very smart mice, able to avoid snap traps and glue boards while crapping all over the place. There are so many mice in the distribution center that we had to name a guy to head up the vermin eradication program. Since his job is to stop the super-crapping mice, his new job title is the "stop the poopers supervisor". Just thought you should know.

Work still sucks, but I had enough by 4:30 today, so I left. I am actually in charge of the facility tomorrow, so I may not be able to leave quite as early. I hope that everything runs smoothly tomorrow, I don't have a lot of plant manager experience under my belt yet. Wish me luck!

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