Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Long hours of fun...

I have a complaint. Why haven't people figured out that nothing is for free, especially when it comes to e-mail? I am so tired of "Forward this to ten people and Bill Gates will send you a twenty million dollar talking fish!" Okay, perhaps I made that one up, but you get the idea. Why do I still get that kind of e-mail? I don't even reply to the senders any more to tell them that they are being bad monkeys, I just delete them. Maybe human nature says that we want to believe that one day it will really happen? It's kind of like buying a lottery ticket. Someone will win a bazillion dollars, but the chances are excellent that it will not be you.

The long hours part. It is Wednesday and I have already put in 36 hours at the office. What the heck did I step in?

1 comment:

Mrs. Sara said...

But Fish...
There's a pornographic movie being made about Jesus and his gay disciples! I HAVE TO SIGN THE PETITION TO KEEP IT FROM BEING PLAYED IN THE US!

Okay, so forwards are the bane of my existence. Every time I get one, I shame the sender by replying to all and telling them that it's a hoax, usually with the link. :) I figure if I can stop just one forwarder, the world will be a better place.