Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Triathlon weekend!

Well, it is time for the triathlon this weekend and I still am not sure if I will be able to run the last section or not. I have not run much at all in over a month. I tried it once a week ago, for just a mile or two, and my knee was fairly indifferent. I somehow made my knee sore again the day after by stretching it just a little to much. I am now really trying to get it to calm down again by taking all the anti-inflammatory drugs and icing my knee all the time. Wish me luck, I may need it!

I am also supposed to play softball on Sunday night, long after the triathlon has ended, which may also be interesting since I will probably be in the outfield. (right field, where they put all the terrible players) For those of you who have been witness to the horror of seeing me play softball before, this season is sure to be more of the same. I am really a horrible player.

Back to my knee - has anyone heard good or bad things about getting cortisone shots to get the healing going? I have been semi-broken and fragile for four months and it is really getting old to be in pain all the time.


Karen a.k.a. lady fish said...

you speak so highly of your athletic ability (softball)!

I didn't know you were considering cortisone shots.

Anonymous said...

As long as they put you in right field by yourself and not with someone standing 2 feet to your side, then you cannot be the worst player out there.
The only time my knee hurt as long as yours did, I had some torn cartlidge. My hurt from just straightening it out after sitting for awhile. It came and went until it was constant and then surgery came.
I bet the topper has taken a cortizone shot before. If you can stomach some "my kids are awesome and let me tell you how great my grandkids are" stories, she might tell you about the shots.

fish said...

I never thought about the topper, I will have to ask her about it. I bet she has a whole lot to say about it, and a whole lot of other stuff too.

Vandaley said...

The Topper is an expert on everything. Just ask her, she will confirm the expert argument.

Funniest thing I ever saw was when Topper was talking to Rich Etheridge and he didn't want to listen to her anymore and mid sentence just walked away.

Janelle said...

Jason said HE was playing right field. I guess you two will have to fight it out. Should be interesting watching two slightly gimpy guys fighting for the worst spot in the outfield...

Janice has had cortisone shots in her knuckle before. She says it hurts like hell when it goes in but helps the joint for a while.