Friday, April 04, 2008

More running...

I ran a mile in therapy on Thursday, last week. On Sunday, I ran two miles. On Tuesday, I ran three miles. Tomorrow, I am going to try for four miles. Wish me luck!

My knee is not 100%, but it is getting better. It still gets sore the day after I run, but it feels great while I am actually out running.

Diet update: Karen has now lost about ten pounds, and she looks great, but I am gaining ground. I have now lost about two pounds. Whoa! That only took a month and a half of starving! At this rate, I should be able to shed another four pounds just in time for next Christmas! Bring on the holiday salad!


Karen a.k.a. lady fish said...

your inches say the starving is working, as proven by your pants. No matter what you weigh.

I don't know why you're not running with me. You're finally on my amount of running, but quickly pulling away.

Anonymous said...

You could try breastfeeding... I've lost 15 pounds and 2 pants sizes in the last year while eating like a horse. It's an idea... Oh wait. Probably wouldn't work for you.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I always read your blogs--just don't always comment. Sometimes that is a good thing as you well know!!!!

Love Ya---Mom Clark

Anonymous said...

Hey John. Glad to hear you are getting back to running. Injuries are depressing. You want to rest so it can heal, but you want to run to see if it has healed.

Are you still thinking of running he Indy Half? That would be tough if your are only at 4 miles in mid-April. I'm not in half marathon shape right now, but have to get serious about training. Thinking about signing up for the Marine Corps marathon in October. Or Chicago.

fish said...

I don't think I will be able to run the half, but I might try to do it anyway. I really want to run a marathon at the end of summer, if my knee will allow. I was thinking of running an ultra as well, but we'll have to see what my knee thinks about that. If I can't do 26, 50 is probably not a good idea.