Sunday, April 20, 2008

Not running much, but I can swim now.

I am still not running. I think there is little chance that I will be able to run the half marathon in Indy since I can't complete more than three miles without getting re-injured. Sucko.

I keep trying to test out my knee and finding out that I am still injured. I am not sure how long I should wait to test it out again. I wait until it feels good for a few days, then give it a try. It feels good for a while, and I go at it easy. The knee feels great when I am done. The next day, I am still feeling good, but just to be sure I rest and sit on the couch anyway. Two days later, I try running easy again and I am suddenly back to square one, icing an injured knee and sleeping with pillows under my leg. It's driving me nuts, really. I would be happy just to be able to run five miles three or four times a week, but I can't get past three without walking home to find an ice pack and a pillow.

Other news: I signed up for a triathlon (swim, bike, run) in June since I don't need to run much to do one. I bought a wetsuit from a guy who lives on the north side of town and I mentioned that I was a terrible swimmer. It turns out he is a masters swimmer and used to be a swim coach. He even offered to teach me how to swim for free. He gave me a video and met me at the gym for almost two hours of swim instruction. At least now I know I can complete the swim portion of the triathlon without drowning. (Wetsuits are cool for two reasons: 1. They make you float really well, so it is much harder to drown. 2. They make you sleeker and faster in the water so you swim with much less effort.

Karen might get a road bike to ride with me, too! Sweet!

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