Friday, June 22, 2007

The horrors of dieting...

I have been running more lately, and I am also on the diet wagon again. Running definitely saved my health, but it has also given me the feeling that I can eat anything in any quantity that I feel like. This has resulted in a slow weight gain over the last two years. I am physicaly fit, healthy as heck, but I am getting a little thick around the middle again. Two years ago, when I got healthy for the first time, I decided that once I crossed the line from a normal healthy weight back into the overweight category (according to the standard BMI charts) that I would get back on the diet wagon again and lose weight. I crossed the line last month, and I didn't magically sink right back under the mark, so I had to get back on the diet wagon. I am 5' 7" tall and therefore officially overweight at 160. I was at 163.5 on Sunday last weekend, so it was definitely time to get after it again. I am back under the mark again, but most of it is probably water loss, so I am going to stick with it for a while. No fries for me, thanks, I'll just have the salad and veggies. I detest dieteing because it makes me feel kinda sad all the time. Please excuse me if I am a tad grouchy or forgetful, I am probably just hungry.

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