Monday, May 14, 2007


I have been slacking on the posting a bit. Here is the next installment of pure unadulterated blogging bliss!

Karen has been working on me for a while about getting a minivan. (several months of pointing and sending me links to carmax) So, when I was having trouble thinking of a good present for Mother's day, I was actually considering buying a van. What the heck was I thinking?!?! Please, share your thoughts on this one. Should I commit testicular suicide, and get the van, or should I put my foot down quietly and pray she decides against it???

Karen read this post already, and told me, "What's the difference, you don't need your testiculars anyhow?" I am not sure what testiculars are, but it's a funny word, so I quoted it.

Please keep in mind that I am of the opinion that when it comes to my garage, there are no such things as "cool minivans". I like other people's vans, I just don't want one in my garage.


Karen a.k.a. lady fish said...

I think there was more to my quote... I think I said "I was immune to his testiculars."

Anonymous said...

I think that when you really need a van, you should buy a van!!! I don't think that you need it now--until you get baby #2. Plenty of time for that yet.

But I love vans too--wait for a hybrid Toyota van and then it will be economical too.

Anonymous said...

I have baby #2 and REALLY want that minivan. Maybe you could convince Jason that he should get me one and Karen could borrow it on occasion...

Karen a.k.a. lady fish said...
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Karen a.k.a. lady fish said...

oooh. There's an idea!

I would also like to respond to my mom and say "how many kids is dad driving around in his mini?" They're more than a family vehicle. Plus, if I get one before the baby, then we wouldn't have to do the car shopping with an infant in tow. And I could fit the whole family plus birthmom in it if we get together again just after the baby's born. I'm super smart! I'm a thinkin' and solving workin'-througher... mouse-ke-me, mouse-ke-you, mouse-ke-doer!

scottie said...

It is inevitable. There is no resisting.

Soon, you will have a maroon red Chrysler mini-van like your parents before you.

It dessssstiny!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Scott, we have a silver Toyota Sienna Minivan. And as to Karen, we seem to fill that minivan up with things we take to our kid's homes etc like material to make swing sets and sofa beds. And then when you all come home, we let you ride too. Dad just likes a minivan!!

Anyhow, if you happen to adopt the current baby, then you can borrow our minivan in NWI.

Dr. Seattle said...

Dude, check out the VW Eurovans. I have one and I love it. I use it alot to go surfing, without the kids in tow. And I hate minivans. We had an SUV for a few years, but we got tired of the awkward angles when buckling the kids in their carseats. Plus, the backseat folds down into a queen size bed, just in case, you know, if you go on a really long trip or something. Just to take a little bit of the "domestic" edge off, I also slapped a bunch of surf stickers on the back window. Check 'em out, dude. I wouldn't lie to you...

Karen a.k.a. lady fish said...

Dr., come on! I just searched for one on MSN, and they want $40,000+ for one with 65K miles! I'm not some well-off, septic-tank-owning, doctor/lawyer surfer dude! :) I think the Kuglers would appreciate one that's a little more economical.

Dr. Seattle said...

That's insane. That van is only worth $20,000 at best. No way they can get $40k. What, were you looking on Ebay? Is it made of solid gold or something?

Dr. Seattle said...

Ok, Fishes. I figured out what you were looking at...Camper Van versions. They typically cost 15-20k more than than the GLS models. Ignore the Camper Vans.