Tuesday, October 21, 2008

More knee...

I saw the orthopedic surgeon last week. He said that there are two courses of action to take for my knee that is still messed up. 

The first thing to do is to give me another good shot of cortisone right into my knee to see if things calm down, then try to run on it after four days. I got a big shot of cortisone (under my kneecap, which was a really weird sensation) waited the requisite four days, went for a run, and it still hurts. So that leaves us to option two...

I am now supposed to call the doc back and get my knee scoped. I am not looking forward to this at all. Yikes!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear of your troubles. Makes me feel blessed to have survived free of any long-term injuries up to now (touch wood). Let's hope the scoping does the trick - Bill

Anonymous said...

I remember a famous quote, "If you have a knee problem, run. It will either fix it or break it so you need surgery." Either way, it is fixed.

Mom Clark

Karen a.k.a. lady fish said...

John and I discussed surgery, and we've decided I'm waaaayyy more scared about surgery than he is. Hmmm... wonder why?

Anonymous said...

A scope is not as bad as it sounds. After 3 weeks, you will be walking like normal. You even stay awake while they perform the operation. Only three small holes in your knee, they trim up and torn menicus in there and you are done. You also get a month's worth of vicadin to reduce the pain.
Then 9-12 rehab appointments and you are good to go. Just remember to leave a glass of water near your bed so you can take medicine in the middle of the night when it is throbbing.
Plus, you could pull a Topper and get the closest parking spot at work.

Karen a.k.a. lady fish said...

When I read your comment, Chris, I keep seeing bills (surgery), bills (Rx), bills (PT).

Anonymous said...

Well, I would agree the bills will becoming because of surgery, but I will say that my knee doesn't hurt in the same spot that they fixed. They mentioned another slight tear on the outside of my knee they thought would heal.... it did not.

Anonymous said...

Having had 2 scopes done, I can say that it really isn't that bad. Crutches for a day or two, pain meds for a day or two. ice, ice, ice (which you are used to). One word on PT: do it!! (sorry 2 words). I didn't the first time and paid the price of longer full recovery. I've also heard that some docs let you watch the surgery! I wish I could of seen that!

Anonymous said...

I got to watch.
The PT is not horrible either. And there are simple exercises you can do at home before starting PT. One was sliding your foot up and down the wall as you lie on the floor. I didn't do it before hand and got yelled at when they saw my progress from surgery to my first PT visit.