Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Early August fun!

I play softball on Sunday nights, and I actually caught four of the five fly balls in my field last weekend. The one that I missed is the one that is really the best one to talk about. It was a high fly ball that dropped in shallow right field and I happened to be playing in fairly deep right center field. I managed to get to the ball in time, but not quite fast enough to not make a normal overhand basket style catch. I had to lean forward and stretch my arm out forward. The ball bounced off the heel of my glove and nailed me right in the face. Not only did I not catch the ball, but I also managed to make the ball smack me just above my left eye. I am an all-star, and I am a little glad that James was not there to witness my mastery of sports.

Tonight, James and I went to the "far-far away playground" about a half mile away, to play on the swings and the slides. I had a lot of fun but I realized that I am not a kid. I don't fit well on the tiny slides, and if I sit up on the tube slide, I bonk my head really hard. I had a blast, and I now have a headache. I seem to be hurting myself a lot this week.

Our new dog got out of the house on Sunday, mostly because we let him out to see what would happen. He normally follows us around the house all the time and never lets us out of his sight, but as soon as he got outside he forgot who we were altogether. I chased him for about half a mile, doing a lot of running, interrupted by all-out sprinting whenever I got close to him. He managed to easily elude me until he stopped to have an unavoidable diarrhea BM, then I tackled him and slapped on the leash. It is probably the only time I will ever be excited to see the dog making a dook in the neighbors yard.

It has been a little on the toasty side lately, and I have found that the only time I really want the A/C on is when I am at home. I have yet to run the A/C in the car despite the high 90 degree and 100 degree temps lately. Maybe I am nuts, but I really like the heat as long as I am not standing in the sun or trying to work in it. On the other hand, when I am at home, it better be less than 80 degrees, or I get grouchy. I just can't sit on my Lazy Boy recliner and get sweaty.

I have a question, what temperature is your A/C set at? Is 77 at night and 79 during the day really high? (we still sleep with a down comforter on the bed, I am not joking at all)


Anonymous said...

What's the point of air conditioning at 79 and 77? Ours is set at 76 during the day when no one is around and hopefully 74 at night

Mom Clark

Karen a.k.a. lady fish said...

I am the reason the air is set so high. james and I spent much of the months of June and July running around town during the day, so we didn't need the air on so cold. So I set the thermostat to keep it warmer (saves on $$$), then at night (when John's scheduled to arrive home) it starts to come down, then once more it comes down for bedtime.

Anonymous said...

Mine is set at 80.

Mrs. Sara said...

This is late, but I've always found the best way to get a running dog back is to get its attention, then run away from it. It'll probably chase you, and when it gets close, just drop down on the grass and it'll jump all over you!

Anonymous said...

It's never too late, except for the fact that we gave the dog away. He stepped on James' face, an inch from his eye, and I found out I am also allergic to dogs. At that point, it was a no-brainer. We really liked the dog, but he still had to go.