Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Still not running... Maybe tomorrow???

My knee is still messed up. MRI says no issues a few weeks ago, and I have been to physical therapy three times. I go to my last physical therapy session tomorrow, but I still can't run on it. I get to try to run tomorrow, so we shall see how it goes. The therapist figured out that I had a muscle imbalance, which caused the initial problem. I got a brace to enable me to run while I was retraining the weaker muscle, but I made the brace too tight and it hurt my iliotibial band trying to run (the muscle on the outside of our leg) and that injury has been healing for three weeks. I am afraid to try to run on it and find out that it is still messed up. I hope it gets better soon so I can still run the Indianapolis half marathon in May. Keeping my fingers crossed...

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