Sunday, January 06, 2008

Tough decision?

My car is old, but it works fine and requires zero maintenance. It has 95K on it, and it is eight years old, but it has never seen the shop. If I sell it, I will probably not get very much out of it. I am, however, very tired of my car. In fact, it is really not even my car at all. The Civic was purchased by Karen, for Karen to drive around. I just got the Civic when James was born and Karen got my little truck, which she then traded in for the minivan we have now.

I want to buy a new car, but there is really no financial justification for it at all. The smart thing to do would be to wait for the old Civic to start giving me problems, and then get rid of it, but I am tired of it. I want to get a new car. We can afford a new car without stressing the budget, but it is definitely not a financially wise decision; it is really a giant waste of money. With the price of cars, it seems silly for me to buy a car right now, but I want to get one.

I drove a 2008 Nissan Altima 3.5 SE V6 6-speed manual on Saturday. It was really sweet, to say the least. It was quiet, fast, and really comfortable - three things that the Civic is not.

I want one.

Still mulling it over...


Anonymous said...

Quit tempting yourself by going out and driving new cars!!! That will make you want one all the time!! Remember when I tried to persuade Karen that she did not need the van and you agreed!!!

Mom Clark

Anonymous said...

John, I think the best thing for you to do is throw away the carrot that is dangling in front of you so you don't see it.
Crunch the numbers and you will find you are better off ahead by keeping what you have instead of buying new.
I did that with the Jeeps and even though I am sucking down gas more than ever, it is better for me to do this than buy a new car.

Karen a.k.a. lady fish said...

not related to this topic at all, but instead of changing your blog's name from fish to run, maybe you could take on "run, fish, run!" as your name?

Karen a.k.a. lady fish said...

But if I ever have an accident, it's probably lights out for me.

I don't tempt myself by looking at new cars; I am tempted every time I drive my car. :)

It's not really about the money, I can't justify buying a new car - I just really want one.

Anonymous said...

That last post was not from karen, it was from John...

Anonymous said...

Don't buy a new car. They are huge wastes of money. Just ask Jason about how we made out on the Highlander. There is something to be said for wanting a different car, though. Just like Karen, I didn't NEED the van, but I sure wanted one.


scottie said...


Pimp our your current ride with something like a ham radio, GPS, or a kick-ass stereo....something that makes you want to drive it. It will save you a lot of money in the long run.

Darryl said...

Man, I know how you feel. Although our current computer is still adequate for our needs, I have a serious case of technolust.

I think Scottie's advice will probably work for me as well. A processor upgrade and new hard drive will make the old machine Tiger-ready; and give us at least five more years of use.

Karen a.k.a. lady fish said...

Nice puter!

We just got our second laptop a few months ago (September?) and I could not be happier. We bought our first Apple, a MacBook actually. I have always been a PC person, and I am much better at toying with PCs, but I have not needed to know anything to use the Mac, and it is rock-solid so far. My old PC and my work PC both crash fairly regularly. I went from a skeptic about macs to a believer. Seeing that the MacBook Air is not that expensive makes me wonder if I bought this one just a little too soon. I was just looking at them today, wondering how long it would be until we need another computer.

As far as the car goes, I have still not decided. I may try to keep my old car for a while since it really costs nothing. It sure was nice to drive a new car, tho...

The market downturn has helped to keep me thinking about a new car. Who knows what the short-term future has in store for me? It may actually be a good time to buy a car if inflation is going to keep rocketing upward faster than salary increases. Then again, all my investments are going to take another hit, so maybe I should save money for a rainier day...

Anonymous said...

That last post was from John, not Karen. I forgot to change the name before I hit the post button and I am waaaayyy too lazy to go back and copy and paste it with the right name.