Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My name is Fish, and I am a YouTube junkie...

I am officially addicted to youtube. If I am at home, and I am on the net, I am probably wasting time on youtube. I have see people laughing, people shocking each other with tasers and stun guns, exploding produce, car crashes, a tiny camera mounted on a childrens "geo trax" toy - playing "crazy train" while driving around the track. I have seen people experimenting with ipecac syrup (it makes you sick to your stomach, in a most unpleasant way, apparently). I even saw two guys beat each other up, repeatedly. You can see almost anything on YouTube, even some stuff you don't even want to see. It has it's own search engine, too. I even learned how to remove the "ink tag" that our local JC Penney left on my shorts after I purchased them. I managed to remove the tag in about thirty seconds, with no damage at all to my new shorts.

I think I am watching the beginning of the next generation of entertainment. I would totally buy a subscription to a TV station that would allow me to watch my favorite shows or stories about stuff that I want to see when I want to see it. Not to mention you can see tons of music videos any time you want to, since MTV is no longer relevant, and doesn't play videos any more. I would trade in my satellite dish any day for that kind of entertainment.

What do you think? Have you seen YouTube? Am I nuts?

Running Update: After almost three solid years of running, I have finally started doing "speedwork". This basically means that I have started running harder to try to increase the maximum speed that I can run. For years, I have been an advocate of running slow and easy, but the speed increases were very slow and disappointing, so I am trying something new. I still only run three or four times a week, but I try to run faster for part of those runs. So far, it seems to be working. I ran my first sub 7-minute mile last week. The down side of running fast is that it increases the likelihood of injury. So far so good, no problems to report. I will keep my fingers crossed.

James just saw a spider in the bathroom and very calmly told Mommy about it. Mommy saw it and yelled for me, with a note of urgency and fear in her voice, scaring James. James freaked a little and screamed like mad for Daddy, since he saw that Mommy was scared, now James may be a little afraid of spiders. I may have spoken too soon. Apparently, he was not too scared. He is yelling for me to come over there and wipe his butt. -I can't complain, wiping butts is way better than trying to gracefully get a poopoo out of underpants without soiling the rug.


Anonymous said...

It's about time that you update your blog!! No I can't get into YouTube and could not get rid of TV. Not that I watch a lot but I do like my OSU Buckeyes on TV (since I can't get tickets for in person performance).

I agree with "Wiping butts". Soon you will not have to do that either!!

Anonymous said...

I was so glad when Darren could, in the terms of "Big Daddy", wipe his own a$$.

And you've obviously been too busy watching YouTube to update your blog.

Anonymous said...

yeah youtube...quite popular in my high school. have you seen "charlie the Unicorn"? It is pretty annoying, and pointless, but my entire school was obsessed with it for a while. i think no one cares any more.
but youtube is good for music videos and other funny things: )
you should watch harry potter and the dark lord waldemart....