Tuesday, October 10, 2006

All by myself...

I am feeling a bit lonely today, so I decided to write a bit. I doubt many will read this, since I NEVER update my blog. Karen and James are in Indiana today, but I am still at the homestead in Kansas. It's fine for her to go see her family, but I don't enjoy being lonely at all. It takes no time at all for me to get lonely. I really miss my little boy and my bride.

Recent updates on us: We have replaced all but one of the crazy interior light in our humble abode, and it looks much better. We are most of the way finished with the siding replacement job, and I am impressed with the results so far, we freaking rock. As soon as we get this thing painted, we will really be in business! We (almost entirely Karen) got the landscaping straightened out last summer and it looks 100% better. This is turning into a nice house, probably just in time to sell it...

That's all for now, I may go run for a little while before I get too tired. I am in training to run the Indianapolis half-marathon next May. I may have lost my marbles. I am planning on a sub 2:00 half marathon, and I really hope I make it. If I finish it well enough, I will probably run the LaSalle Bank Chicago marathon at the end of next summer. I really lost my marbles, apparently.

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