Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Lazy poster...

I know, I have taken forever to get another post in here. My apologies.

Since my last post, I got sick, then I got better over the course of a week, so I spent most of my time sleeping instead of blogging. Then, James got sick (barfing and such, the poor little guy), then he got better, actually he is still getting better. James still does not eat as much as he did before he tossed his cookies all over his bed on Monday night. During the time James has been sick, I have been worrying, instead of blogging. So you can see why I haven't been on the computer for two weeks... Or perhaps my dog ate the hard drive, or some other lame excuse, yadda, yadda, yadda...

I am heading off to Indiana for a few days to visit with my parents and my in-laws! I can't wait! There is nothing quite like the fun times you have with the people that you love.

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas! (or perhaps the most wonderful holiday that you prefer to celebrate other than Christmas!) ...and a happy new!!!

Be back soon!

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