Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Lazy poster...

I know, I have taken forever to get another post in here. My apologies.

Since my last post, I got sick, then I got better over the course of a week, so I spent most of my time sleeping instead of blogging. Then, James got sick (barfing and such, the poor little guy), then he got better, actually he is still getting better. James still does not eat as much as he did before he tossed his cookies all over his bed on Monday night. During the time James has been sick, I have been worrying, instead of blogging. So you can see why I haven't been on the computer for two weeks... Or perhaps my dog ate the hard drive, or some other lame excuse, yadda, yadda, yadda...

I am heading off to Indiana for a few days to visit with my parents and my in-laws! I can't wait! There is nothing quite like the fun times you have with the people that you love.

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas! (or perhaps the most wonderful holiday that you prefer to celebrate other than Christmas!) ...and a happy new!!!

Be back soon!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Kansas City Snowstorm!!!

If you have read my earlier post, I made a comment or two about the fact that there aren't many junk cars in the Overland Park, Kansas area. There is probably more than one reason for that fact, but one reason in particular came to my attention just recently. The cars out here don't corrode very fast because they haven't seen the widespread distribution of a very useful item that other areas commonly use, road salt. THEY DON'T USE FREAKING ROAD SALT MUCH OUT HERE.

I was watching the television last night and giggling at the number of news stories that centered on the measly 6 to 8 inch snowfall that we were supposed to get. I was thinking that if I were back in Indiana, this would be a non-event, and would barely make the news. Kids would be certain that school was going to be open the next day, certainly no chance for a snow day. A slight delay was the best we could have hoped for in Indiana. Out here, they closed all the schools before the snow hit the pavement.

The snow was light and fluffy, and it came down very slowly. The road crews had ample time to apply the liquid salt to the road before the snow hit. The snowfall was going to be so slow and steady, so the plows would surely be able to keep up with plowing and salting, or even sanding. IT DIDN'T HAPPEN. The roads all got covered with a layer of hard-packed snow since they didn't salt the roads. The area only got about six inches, and all the roads were a mess. The flashy rear-drive european sedans could be seen in the snowbanks all over the place. I now know why the snowfall makes the news here, because the area sucks at dealing with it. The Illinois road crews could teach the road crews out here a thing or two about hitting the switch on the salt shaker. In Indiana, you don't need to watch the news to know that it is snowing, you can tell by the sound of the plow driving past your house. In Kansas, you would never know that it was snowing until you got into your car and drove out of the garage, the plows are no where to be found. It was almost 24 hours after the snowfall before my street was plowed. My street still has two abandoned cars due to the snowfall. (One of the cars is a Neon with a blown-out hoopdie wheel!! Bwaaahahaha!! Nice picture, eh? It figures that I see this just after I said that there weren't many hoopdies out here. At least it is a late-model hoopdie.)