Friday, November 18, 2005

YAY, Friday!

Here's a picture of my buddy James from our vacation in Myrtle beach back in October. Cutest kid in the world, I tell ya.

Happy Friday!!

It was one heck of a week, but we made it! I almost ran the plant out of two of our most popular products. That could have been disastrous, really. It would literally be the equivalent of Ford running out of cars and trucks in the same week, and all they had left was the vans and some of last year's slow-moving inventory. Anyway, we have emerged once again without shorting any of our customers, which is nice. :) It could have been some really bad times. Bakeries tend to get pretty pissed off when they can't make products for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Another cute James story! (Stop reading now if you are tired of my mushy baby stories.) I have been practicing with James to get him to say "Mama!" when he sees Karen. He would do it over and over again, right on cue, until we actually saw Karen. As soon as he saw Karen, he leaned towards her and said, "Dada! DAAADAAA!"

One more James story: Karen got James out of the bath tonight and he immediately peed all over the floor, laughing hysterically the entire time, and playing in the stream of whiz like it was a fountain. That's my boy, Rip Van Tinkle.

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