Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Missed it...

I missed the mini marathon. My knee is still sore. Total sucko. I am swimming and getting lots of muscles on my chest and arms, spending time at the gym, but I can't run at all. I am in the midst of a running and cycling hiatus to let the healing get started on my knee. I tried to maintain the strength and stamina that I had built up training hard over the winter, but I think it only served to prolong my injury.

I am still going to compete in the triathlon on June 8th that I signed up for, even if I have to walk the last part. The last part (the running section) is only 2.4 miles, which is not even that long of a walk, really.

Quick explanation of the triathlon that I signed up for: 400 yard swim, 9 miles on a bike, 2.4 mile run - in that order. I don't plan on winning, but I will finish the race for certain. Good times, I can't wait!