Friday, January 11, 2008


James and I are both sick. He has an ear infection, and I have a sinus infection. We played in the basement this evening and I don't think either one of us could sit still for more than ten minutes without needing a tissue to wipe a runny nose. He made me some eggs, french toast, yogurt, and a piece of pizza for breakfast. I must have been very hungry, he made me lots of food.

I actually went to the doctor today to get a prescription so that I could alleviate some of the sinus pressure and hopefully not be sick all weekend. It was a good thing that I went because by the time I was done at the doctor's office and filled my prescription, I felt pretty awful. All I wanted to do was sit and wait for the antibiotics to work their magic. It has been about seven hours since I went took my first pill, and I have yet to feel much better. Decongestants helped with the stuffiness, but my face still really hurts from the sinus pressure. Enough whining...

We are going to the Dana's house tomorrow after we get done at our favorite BBQ joint, Oklahoma Joe's. We are planning to play some Guitar Hero 3 in their basement, and I am really looking forward to it. I have not played GH3 since we got home from Indiana. It's definitely time to get a tired pinkie finger and practice my high-speed strumming skills. I can't wait. I need to get my GH3 set up in the basement so I can be prepared for the next time we have a gaming session.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Tough decision?

My car is old, but it works fine and requires zero maintenance. It has 95K on it, and it is eight years old, but it has never seen the shop. If I sell it, I will probably not get very much out of it. I am, however, very tired of my car. In fact, it is really not even my car at all. The Civic was purchased by Karen, for Karen to drive around. I just got the Civic when James was born and Karen got my little truck, which she then traded in for the minivan we have now.

I want to buy a new car, but there is really no financial justification for it at all. The smart thing to do would be to wait for the old Civic to start giving me problems, and then get rid of it, but I am tired of it. I want to get a new car. We can afford a new car without stressing the budget, but it is definitely not a financially wise decision; it is really a giant waste of money. With the price of cars, it seems silly for me to buy a car right now, but I want to get one.

I drove a 2008 Nissan Altima 3.5 SE V6 6-speed manual on Saturday. It was really sweet, to say the least. It was quiet, fast, and really comfortable - three things that the Civic is not.

I want one.

Still mulling it over...

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Funny stuff?

I found this terribly amusing, take a look and see what you think. It reminds me of riding my bicycle with baseball cards in the spokes. Some dude just spinning his wheels...

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Home again, and new year's resolutions?

We are back at the homestead in Kansas again. It was a great vacation holiday, and we had a great time. The only thing that I would have changed about the entire thing was that I would have left a day earlier to avoid the giant snowstorm.

Christmas with the family was wonderful, and it was really awesome to see the little ones (mostly James and Neil) get all excited about opening presents and playing with new toys. We had a great time, but we missed Jay and John terribly around the holiday. (But we get to go see them very soon!)

We drove home in a pretty healthy winter storm. It was so bad that we were going 25 MPH for many miles on I-65 and could still not really see the road in front of us. The
country roads that we went down to try to get out of the storm were so windblown with deep drifts that it stuffed a bunch of snow into the front grill of the van. Everything was white, so we couldn't even tell where the drifts were. We would be driving along and all of a sudden "POOF!" the snow would explode from the front of the van and make a huge white cloud all around us. Not that it wasn't snowing heavily already, it just made an obviously denser cloud around us, and you could feel the van slow down when it hit the drifts. I counted 25 cars in ditches, and one tractor-trailer. No big accidents, just a whole bunch of spin-offs. I was glad not to become one of them. It was a very long drive home; the trip took a few extra hours due to the weather.

The only cool thing about the drive was Karen's new GPS. (remember the commercial - "there's the moose again, give a give a give a give a garmin...") It led us down a bunch of country roads to get from I-65 over to I-57, and there was no traffic on any of them, so we did not have to worry about getting hit by people in a hurry. I love the GPS, it is really a cool toy.

New Year's resolutions:
1. Don't gain weight
2. Don't stop eating fairly healthy
3. Keep exercising as usual
4. Don't start smoking

Any ideas for resolutions for me? I can't think of anything that I need to stop doing, and I am not in need of major weight loss. Is there anything that I need to do or to stop doing? What are you planning to do for the new year?