Wednesday, August 22, 2007

In the name of the Father...

Last night, James and I were getting ready to go to sleep. I was playing the, "What is this?" game with him. I would point to a part of him, and he would tell me what I was pointing to. I point to his nose, and he said, "nose". I pointed to his ear, and he said "ear". I pointed to his lips, and he said "lips". I pointed to his teeth, and he said "teeth", but when I pointed to his forehead, he said "Father". He then said, "Father, Son, Spirit, Amen, now eat!"

I thought that was awesome. It's not just a forehead to him, it's Father. It certainly made me smile.

-He also told me later that it was his forehead-Father.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I am 17 again...

It's done. I installed the amplifier in my car, along with the subwoofer box. I now have a beatbox car again. The amplifier is the same one that I bought when I was in high school. It was in my friend Scottie's car for a few years, but he gave it back. Now I am using it again. It is really old and probably not as strong as it once was, but it works. It really makes me laugh when I drive my econo-box teenager mobile, thumpity-thumping away, with my loud muffler and my dark tinted windows. I feel like I am 17 again, except I can legally buy alcohol now.

Completely unrelated - I got carded tonight at Olive Garden when I asked for a glass of wine with my dinner.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Pimping my ride, garage sale style. (DORK WARNING)

I bought a speaker box with a functioning speaker in it for ten bucks at a garage sale. I had the amplifier in the basement from high school. All that was left was to go out and buy some power cables for the amplifier and some speaker wires. I found out that, sadly, the wires were going to be the most expensive part of my car stereo. I spent 50 bucks for some stinkin' wires. If it saves me from burning down my junk, it is worth the 50 bones. I just feel stupid spending that much money on a few pieces of copper wire.

Installation should take place some time next week, I think... I just have to figure out a way to control the amp without running an extra set of wires through the car. I want to be able to play the radio without the amp when James is in the car. Maybe I will just put a big circuit breaker in the trunk???

Yep, I am king dork.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

You have got to see this, really.

For those of you who ever went to Showbiz Pizza, or Chuck E. Cheese, this may be one of the sweetest things ever to grace YouTube. The guy did a bunch of other songs as well.


Monday, August 06, 2007

James the comic.

I tickle James a lot. His grin and his laughter are some of the most wonderful things I have ever witnessed. James was in the midst of being tickled for the umpteenth time by me, his father, when he decided that he had enough. This is exactly how it happened:

Fish: "I'm going to tickle you!"

James: "No Daddy, hee-hee, hee-hee"

Fish: "I'm gonna get you!"

James: "Run away!

Fish: "I got you, now I tickle! A-haaa!"

James: " No Daddy, no tickle. Knock it off, Lunchbox."

I have to say, it really worked. I stopped tickling him immediately. We both sat on the floor and laughed instead.

Computer fun!

Our computer has been crazy for a while now, and Karen has been mad at it (and me on occasion) quite frequently due to the computer's latest "new features". One of the old features is the "magic power button" that only works well for John, and "magically" makes Karen very mad. The PC needs a new power supply, it takes about 12 hours to warm up enough to actually let you turn the computer on. The power supply has actually been trying to poop out for many months. You normally have to tap the power button about ten times to get it to turn on, even when the power supply has had sufficient 12 hour or more warm-up time. The latest feature that it self-installed was the "magic shutdown timer". Last week, the processor was apparently overheating due to lack of air flow. It would run fine for about ten or fifteen minutes, then shut off abruptly. No warning, no error message, just abrupt silence and darkness. You had to use some pretty good time-management skills to get your mail, send your replies, check the weather, and download your pictures before the system shut off abruptly. Once we figured out (wild-guessed) that it really was an over-heating problem, I took the computer apart and removed what looked like a fuzzy grey squirrel living in amongst the internal bits. (James had a blast helping me take it apart and put it back together. I now need to hide all screwdrivers from James, so he doesn't dismantle the PC while I am sleeping.) Once I removed the squirrel, I had to wait the obligatory twelve hours for the "magic power button" to become operational again. James was the one who discovered that the computer was working again this morning since he punched the button and it fired right up for him, and he said "DADDY, I FIXED THE PAPUTER! DADDY I FIXED IT! THE PAPUTER IS FIXED, YAYYY!" James has apparently uninstalled the "magic shutdown timer" since he was the one who announced that he had fixed it. Thank you, buddy, for fixing the paputer. I am still wondering what the next feature will be. The PC is starting to remind me of my old cars, they used to let you me know I needed to add oil by turning on the reminder light that said "check engine" every 1,000 miles or so, since they leaked like they had been shot.

Karen is getting a new computer (A sweet little MacBook!!) for her birthday. (I already told her that she is getting the new computer because I was afraid that she was going to get really mad at the one we already have and go out and buy a new one before her new one actually arrived, in cthe event that the PC had some really fun new features up its sleeve.)